Monday Night In-Store Commander 7 pm

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  • Regular price $3.00
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We would like to take this time to welcome everyone back to our play area
and events. With the full reopening there is some health & safety guidelines
that will need to be followed.

Starting September 22nd, 2021, patrons will be required to check in with a
staff with their COVID Passport or vaccination receipts with a valid
piece of photo ID to use the space.

Use the link below if you need to look up your vaccination receipt:

Thank you to everyone for understanding and making this a safe space for everyone to be!


MTG Commander Night:
Date: Every Monday
Time: 7PM
Format: Multiplayer Commander
Entry: $3.00
Spots: 9 players
Registration Link: (reg. Starts 7:00PM the Day Before online)
1 ticket given out for matching the colour of the week, participating and each game won.
Three 50-Minute games are played each week. Remaining tickets will be split with those who have the most wins.

We follow the Regular MTG Commander Ban list without wish boards.
If a Player Goes Infinite in the first 25-Minutes, they will represent it and then remove themselves.
They still score a win but the remaining players will continue playing for a secondary winner.

Commander Tie Breakers:
When time is called finish the current turn rotation then compare breakers.
1. Highest Life Total
2. Most Permanents Controlled
3. Highest amount payed to cast a commander (including Commander Tax)
4. Most Commander Damage dealt during the game. (with a single commander not a pair)
5. Most Damage or Life Loss dealt by a single player to an oponent's Life Total in a single turn.

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